Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Netflix Reaction Paper

Netflix: Responding to Blockbuster Again The concept covered in the discussion on Netflix responding to blockbuster is an interesting topic. Netflix is a great example of disruptive innovation. Its DVD-by-mail turned the video rental business on its head and helped push Blockbuster into bankruptcy. As a start-up and outsider, Netflix was able to see that Blockbuster underserved many users. In response, Netflix created a business that offered more affordability, accessibility and availability to these under-served customers.Netflix saw this as a great opportunity and with customers busier lifestyles, demand and the advancement in the technology, Netflix made a move and serve the underserved customers of Blockbuster. Netflix is definitely the most successful of these Blockbuster-replacement services and has been steadily gaining power over the years. They started out as a DVD rentals-by-mail service and business has been booming ever since they introduced a streaming subscription servi ce as well. The rise of internet media also raised the success of Netflix.Blockbuster’s demise was linked to the success of Netflix. The business model of Netflix focuses on addressing unmet needs on the part of consumers. The business model for video rental industry back then in early 2000 was to pay-per-rental. Customers were frustrated by late fees and not being able to find their movie of choice when they wanted it. Netflix used a design principle that any company aspiring to succeed at disruptive innovation must adopt – Think Big. Start Small. Fail Quickly. Scale Fast. Think Big.Netflix pursued the big idea of streaming video, even though it would render obsolete its mail-based system for distributing DVDs. By contrast, most companies think small—they try to protect their existing business even if they can see a long-term threat from the Internet or other technological disrupter. These companies tell themselves they’re making incremental improvements , only to wake up one day and find the world has changed. When that day comes, they switch to panic mode, as Blockbuster did once it realized Netflix had transformed DVD distribution. Start Small. Netflix started with lots of small projects.This way, the company would know the market reaction and work out the kinks before going national. Fail Quickly. When early efforts at streaming video looked iffy, Netflix adopted the poker player’s mantra that most money is lost early in a hand, when the tendency is to hope that something good will materialize even though reason suggests otherwise. Netflix folded, saving its money for the day when it finally got a good hand. By contrast, most companies keep playing bad hands far too long, partly because those involved know they’ll get tarnished by association with a failure.Scale Fast. Netflix is now scaling streaming video fast, maintaining the lead it worked so hard to build over competitors. Numerous companies have, however, won early battles and lost the war at this stage of innovation. Innovations are successfully developed but never find a home because, unlike Netflix, the company isn’t willing to attack its core business. It’s worth noting that Netflix is still very much a work in progress and should continue its quest to bold innovations in order to maintain its current competitive advantage.

Independent Regulatory Commissions

Independent regulatory commissions are essentially boards and agencies with ties to the government, but entirely separate from the policy making process in order to achieve unbiased information and effective results. They are formed and given power by Congress to regulate a specific industry. Within specific authority granted by Congress, these regulatory commissions have the power to form and enforce their own regulations upon industry. Agencies like the FCC (Federal Communications commission) were created to help regulate the private sector. In 1934 Congress passed the Communications Act, which abolished the Federal Radio Commission and transferred jurisdiction over radio licensing to a new Federal Communications Commission. The FCC’s main mission and obligation is to â€Å"make available so far as possible, to all the people of the United States, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication services with adequate facilities at reasonable charges. As stated by the legislation of the Communications Act it states that the FCC was created â€Å"for the purpose of the national defense† and â€Å"for the purpose of promoting safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communications. Putting the FCC in charge of radio broadcasting and communications regulation our government should be able to get an accurate and unbiased report. Many of today’s regulatory commissions wer e created to be outside the power of both the president and the Congress in their operations. While these committees do get their power through the political process and legislation passed by congress, they operate and act with minimal ties to the national government. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is another one of these agencies. The FAA is an agency of the United States Department of Transportation with authority to regulate and oversee all aspects of civil aviation in the U. S. The FAA’s major roles include regulating U. S. commercial space transportation, regulating air navigation facilities' geometry and Flight inspection standards, encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology, issuing, suspending, or revoking pilot certificates, regulating civil aviation to promote safety, especially through local offices called Flight Standards District Offices, eveloping and operating a system of air traffic control and navigation for both civil and military aircraft, researching and developing the National Airspace System and civil aeronautics, and developing and carrying out programs to control aircraft noise and other environmental effects of civil aviation. These regulatory commissions are an important part in overseeing our government’s actions. Government Corporation The Federal Government owned corporations are a separate set of corporations funded and owned by the Federal Government, which operate to provide publ ic services. But unlike the federal agencies, they have a separate legal personality from the Federal Government, providing the highest level of political independence. They sometimes receive Federal budgetary appropriations, but some also have other independent sources of revenue. An example of this is the United States postal Service. The United States Postal Service (USPS) is an agency of the United States government responsible for providing postal service in the United States. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution. Independent Executive Agency Most independent executive agencies are established through separate statutes passed by the Congress, each providing a necessary statutory grant of authority that defines the goals the agency must work towards. These agency rules and regulations, while in force, have the power of federal law. Most executive agencies have a single director, administrator, or secretary who is head of the department. This leadership selection is at the will of the President. A god example of an independent executive agency is the CIA. The Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) min job is to coordinate the intelligence activities of certain government departments and agencies, collect, correlate, and evaluate intelligence information relating to national security, and make recommendations to the United States National Security Council within the Executive Office of the President.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

John Maynard Keynes, the Father of Modern Theoretical Economics Essay

John Maynard Keynes (5 June 1883 – 21 April 1946), a British economist known also as the father of modern theoretical economics, had made a great impact on contemporary economic as well as political theory. His ideas were tapped by governments for their fiscal policies. He is most well known on his interventionist policy when it comes to fiscal and monetary measures, specifically, to mitigate the undesirable effect of recessions, depressions, and even booms. An article from Time magazine on the 100 Most Important People of the Century, contend that â€Å"[h]is radical idea that governments should spend money they don’t have may have saved capitalism† (Reich, no date). As an economist, his first share of international fame was when he was selected as a delegate of the Paris Peace Conference of 1918–1919. It was during this conference that the victors of the World War 1 (specifically, Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, and David Lloyd George) imposed war reparations on Germany. Keynes held his tongue during the conference but let out a roar as soon as he returned to England (Reich, no date). He wrote a book entitled The Economic Consequences of Peace. He wrote that the Germans would not be able to pay the victors. He called Wilson a â€Å"blind, deaf Don Quixote†, Clemenceau a xenophobe with â€Å"one illusion — France, and one disillusion — mankind†, and Lloyd George a â€Å"goat-footed bard, this half-human visitor to our age from the hag-ridden magic and enchanted woods of Celtic antiquity. † Keynes predicted that the reparations demanded by the victors would keep Germany impoverished and might ultimately threaten the neighboring countries if not all of Europe (Reich, no date). And we know that he is indeed right as if it was a prophecy. The book sold almost a hundred thousand copies on that period. But it was only later on after three decades that the real effect of his treatise was felt. After the end of World War II, both US and Britain (as victors of the war) remembered Keynes’ admonition. The best way to attain a lasting peace is by helping the vanquished start all over again – public investing to create trading partners and building solid democracies (like n the case of Germany, Italy, and Japan during that war; Reich, no date). Keynes founded that branch of economics that is termed â€Å"macroeconomics† today. This is his greatest influence in the history of economics. This actually came from a book he wrote during the depths of the Great Depression. The book was called â€Å"The general theory of employment, interest and money† (published on 1936). The idea is pretty much easy to understand: Governments should not leave the market alone when, and especially, the economy is running slow (interventionist policy of the government). It is during periods of dull economy or recession that markets are saturated and businesses either do not invest or reduce their investment. Such situation, according to Keynes, is a prologue for a very dangerous cycle: â€Å"less investment, fewer jobs, less consumption and even less reason for business to invest† (Keynes, in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia). In 1942, John Maynard Keynes was raised to the House of Lords and was accord the title Baron Keynes of Tilton, County of Sussex. Keynes played a crucial role in the negotiations that transpired in the creation of the Bretton Woods system (the system/conference that created the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization, as we know it today). He was the head of the British Commission and the chairman of the World Bank Commission. He was the brainchild behind the management of currencies between and among countries. He advocated the creation of a world central bank, the International Clearing Union, that will be responsible for the common world currency unit (Reich, no date; Keynes, in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia).

Monday, July 29, 2019

International Trade Innovations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Trade Innovations - Essay Example Engine of long-run economic growth. This means that a nation's economic prosperity depends in large part on its capacity for innovation, for which technological innovation is a key driver in advanced countries Empirical evidence, however, suggests that some industries are more innovative than others. Hence, it would be desirable from a public policy perspective to identify and promote sectors displaying both a high innovation rate and, in an increasingly competitive international economy, a high degree of international competitiveness (Henisz, 2000). It is frequently argued that the high-tech industry sectors, in contrast to low-tech sectors, satisfy both conditions, with the implication that public policy should be directed to enhancing the performance of high-tech sectors. As the author of a recent OECD working paper has put it, ' technology is a key factor in enhancing growth and competitiveness in business'. Furthermore, he argues that: indicators of technological characteristics. ... other sectors. If this is true, both government policy and firm strategy need to be informed by reliable indicators of technological characteristics. Again, in Hatzichronoglou's words, 'in order to analyze the impact of technology on industrial performance, it is important to be able to identify those industries and products which are most technology-intensive, through criteria allowing the construction of special internationally harmonized classifications'. This approach lift up at least two important issues. The first is whether such classifications can be meaningfully constructed given both the intractability of the concepts involved and difficulties in data collection. A second issue is the basic assumption that policy emphasis should be placed on technology-intensive industries because they have a greater impact on growth. In this paper, we argue that while it may be possible to construct indices of technological intensity that are useful for some purposes, the ones that are currently in use and proposed are of limited scope. This is a reflection of the technicalities involved in formulating and operationalising the indices, but it also reflects problems in the underlying premise, namely that technology-intensive sectors are more growth-inducing than low-tech sectors. Innovation Rate Further insight into the conditions defining high- (or low-) tech industries could be aimed by taking into account the rate of technological innovation, defined as the proportion of businesses undertaking technological innovation in a given industry. To illustrate this approach, the following typical description is useful: A high-technology industry is, loosely speaking, an industry in which the success of companies depends largely on their ability to keep up with rapid innovation

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Through representation of poverty in particular ways, NGOs have been Essay

Through representation of poverty in particular ways, NGOs have been more a part of the problem than a part of the solution. Discuss with relevant examples - Essay Example In the media, image representation not only via virtual means but also with the aid of TV ad artists has selectively utilized those disturbing pieces meant to compel uninformed potential donors part with own money (Coulter, 1989). These depictions fail entirely in relaying the exact situation in the developing states whereby through the media end up blindfolding donors in yielding to support their â€Å"humanitarian† antics. Therefore, this study seeks to relay information on how NGOs despite somehow helping grossly have ended up being problem in their destined respective regions. The formation of many NGOs mainly happens with a certain perspective in mind most of which aim at ending poverty in world at large rather than concentrating in a particular region in the world. While their initial intentions are noble, they end up creating a greater problem in the efforts to curb poverty than helping. This is mainly because they do not clearly elucidate goals of their campaign thus they end up not achieving what they had initially intended (Harrison, 2010). Like in the case of the coalition consisting of various NGOs forming a campaign dubbed â€Å"Making Poverty History† (MPH) in 2003, their focus was on the G8 summit which was to happen in 2005. Their original purpose was to end poverty globally rather than concentrating on a particular segment especially Africa which already had been a matter of discussion for several years (Harrison, 2010, p. 393). The minimal use of images in illustrating poverty conditions diminished their efforts since there was no cle ar representation of what the true condition of poverty was. Their resolution not to specifically use Africa in their main agenda to end poverty blurred the significance of imagery representation. Therefore, instead of them otherwise choosing an image representation elsewhere they

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Operational Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Operational Strategy - Essay Example The most prominent of these companies was Webvan, which reached a stock market value of $7.9 billion at the end of its IPO. Webvan, Home Grocer, PeaPod and several other Internet grocers made huge bets that selling groceries online was a growth market and represented a new way of doing business. Unfortunately, as has been illustrated by the widely publicized collapses of these high profile Internet grocers, there was a substantial gap between theory and practical application. In contrast, there are currently several examples of grocery and other food delivery companies that appear to be making effective use of the Internet as a link with customers. In particular, both Tesco in the UK and Albertson's in the USA currently have Internet channels for selling groceries that are profitable (Hall, pp.A9; Koller, 13-14). Whereas many of the failed Internet grocers appeared to be hoping to capture a large portion of the overall grocery market, companies such as Tesco and Albertson's view Internet ordering of groceries more as an additional sales channel. This channel is unlikely to ever represent a majority of grocer sales, but even a small portion of sales can be quite significant due to the huge size of the overall market. We will first focus on t... We will also examine Webvan and Tesco using a methodology for analyzing the benefits and challenges of e-services in virtually any industry (Boyer et al., 177-90). This methodology borrows from the product profiling method developed by Hill and used in operations strategy (Hill, 2004). It allows for comparisons between traditional and e-commerce methods on nine operations-related scales. This will provide a pictorial explanation of why Webvan was unable to succeed while demonstrating why Tesco is more likely to be more successful. Strategic Alignment One stream of research on operations strategy has focused on the strategic process, including how strategies are developed and refined. In retrospect it is possible to explain the failure of a company such as Webvan and the relative success of Tesco through an evaluation of the strategic process. This section reviews basic theory on the strategic process and utilizes this theory to better understand the likelihood of success in the Internet grocery business. Porter (2001, p. 62) criticized many of the pioneers of Internet business for violating basic strategic principles: "Gaining competitive advantage does not require a radically new approach to business; it requires building on the proven principles of effective strategy". We will examine Webvan as an example of a company that in a rush to prove it was a model "new economy" company, violated several fundamental strategic principles, including the need to match operations and marketing strategies. The operations strategy process is most often modeled as a hierarchical one in which functional strategies such as operations, logistics, marketing and finance are driven by the higher level business strategy. A key

Friday, July 26, 2019

Low in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Low in business - Essay Example In the UK, â€Å"Product liability law defines a defective product as existing when the safety of the product is below that which consumers are entitled to expect†¦The standard of proof required by the court is such that the person claiming compensation must be able to show†¦that the defect in the product caused the injury or damage† (â€Å"UK Product Liability Law,† 2009). In one case of product liability, â€Å"[an individual] helped his mother attach [a] product to his younger brothers pushchair. One of the elastic straps slipped and lashed back. The buckle attached to the elastic strap hit him in the eye causing serious, permanent damage. The claimant sued Mothercare, the supplier of the product, claiming damages in negligence and also under the Consumer Protection Act† (â€Å"Abouzaid v. Mothercare (UK) Ltd.,† 2009). Brian is a budding semi-professional roller skater, and ha been practising for a national roller skating competition in which he was the favourite to win a 5000-pound prize. Albert asked James (Phillip’s younger brother and sales associate at Cretins Ltd.) whether the store had any skates suitable for semi-professional skating. Not only did Brian fall, but he brought his father down with him. Brain sustained a broken ankle, which would prevent him from skating for a year—while Albert sustained a broken arm in the accident. This is an incidence of where product liability would come into play. â€Å"Products liability refers to the liability of any or all parties along the chain of manufacture of any product for damage caused by that product. This includes the manufacturer of component parts (at the top of the chain), an assembling manufacturer, the wholesaler, and the retail store owner† (â€Å"Product Liability—US,† 2009). There are multiple possibilities. â€Å"Products liability law consists of a mixture of tort law and contract law†¦Aspects that relate to

Privacy and Digital Investigations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Privacy and Digital Investigations - Essay Example Therefore, upon the detection of suspicious computer incidents, the organization immediately launches a forensics/digital investigation which is fully compliant with a policy which has been jointly drawn up by both the legal and the IT departments. This report will begin with a brief overview of privacy considerations, following which it will describe the organization's policy and highlight both its strengths and weaknesses. According to federal employment laws, employees have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Aftab (2006) notes that the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 explicitly prohibits employer monitoring of employee private electronic communications, even if the medium of communication was owned by the employer, occurred in the workplace and on the employer's own time. Employees should reasonably expect that the electronic equipment assigned to their use, whether computers or telephones, are not going to be used for the purposes of monitoring their activities and private communiqus. At the same time, Aftab (2006) notes that it has become increasingly important for employers to monitor employee use of these equipments, especially in instances of investigation. Therefore, to overcome the strictures placed on employers by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, organizations typically have employees sign an organization-specific Electronic and Communication Equipment policy. This p olicy, according to Merkow and Breithaupt (2002) and Aftab (2006), clearly specifies that that the employee has the right to review all documents and materials which were created, sent or received via corporate equipment and, indeed, to subject the equipment to forensic investigations which would expose employee use of the equipment. In other words, employees are often required to legally waive their legal right to privacy. According to our Legal Director, our organization has such a policy in place and all employees are required to sign it. 2.2 Patient Privacy Patient privacy is protected by federal legislature. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, clearly outlines the inviolability of patient confidentiality. Jacobs (2005) explains that it is contingent upon companies in the healthcare sector to ensure that patient data is protected against unauthorised access and, of course, public dissemination. If violations occur and investigations reveal that the organization did not do all that was possible to securitize patient data, it could be held liable for negligence and subsequently sued by patients. Therefore, the priority for ant healthcare organisation should be the securitization of patient data (Jacob, 2005). 3 Investigation Policy The organization's investigation policy, as explained by the Legal Department Director is simultaneously informed and enabled by the privacy considerations outlined in the above. Investigation policy is driven by the objective of identifying ant possible violations of patient privacy and the identity of the violator and the forensics investigations which are integral to the fulfilment of the stated objectives are enabled by employee waiver of their right

Thursday, July 25, 2019

History of Graphic design (Object poster) Research Paper

History of Graphic design (Object poster) - Research Paper Example As has been a result to this complication, a more made easier type emerged thats a simple meal for the individual that "read" by simply passersby on jam-packed boulevards. Throughout Belgium this method, called â€Å"object poster† or Sachplakat Inches had taken the particular design and advertising mobile phone industrys simply by the hurricane. It absolutely was the technique of preference for a Plakatstil, or perhaps poster type motion. Sachplakats developer, the 18 year old in German cartoonist whom known as herself Lucian Bernhard, moved into a poster opposition throughout 1906 backed through Berlins Priester Go with Organization as well as Germanys primary advertising/ poster printer company Hollerbaum & Schmidt, (Jean-Marc, p. 111). Beside the ashtray have been a couple of wood suits. When it ended up being incorrectly taken to get a stogie advertising campaign, Bernhard has been pushed him in order to reconsider his / her arrangement and started reducing the tablecloth, stogie, ashtray along with smoking, leaving behind simply two easy matches. He or she enflamed the actual matchsticks, prepared them reddish with discolored guidelines, and inserted all of them towards any maroon field (Joan, p. 136). The apex of the style location this individual side lettered in strong stop correspondence the term "Priester†. Inches There the individual are! A fresh design! persistence into adulthood of obesity from childhood is related both to age at onset and severity. Art work Nouveau met the decline not really totally because of the invention of Bernhard, yet since types had been altered to meet brand new professional demands. The raise of car targeted traffic as well as the fast tempo each day existence needed that companies be competitive intensely to the publics focus. Aesthetic difficulty no more accomplished the same reflective outcomes (Joan, p. 136). In 1906, there might have

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Rock and roll music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rock and roll music - Essay Example The speaker in the song is a male lover who has lost his partner. He acknowledges that he is very lonely so that he now found a new place to stay, at the Heartbreak Hotel. He speaks in the first person and so the song effectively communicates the deep emotions of the speaker. Consequently, he is able to present a realistic situation and causes his listeners to empathize with him. Moreover, the narrator uses simple yet vivid imageries which many people understand and relate with. He speaks of a feeling and circumstance which every individual somehow experiences one way or another, a familiar episode which is easily understood by listeners of different ages. Presley, as the speaker and singer, effectively expresses the message of the song through a manner that is not boring or ordinary but through his unique way of singing he was known to be a king of. The text of course tells the pathetic story of a man left by his lover. He now lives alone lonely at heartbreak hotel with other heartbroken people. He says that the men who are there have been crying for so long while the women wore black dresses. Such imagery reflect depressed men and women who did not simply lost their lovers but have lost them forever so that there seems to be no tomorrow. As their love died when their lovers left, they feel that they have nothing or no one to return to but stay at Heartbreak hotel forever. Such despondent atmosphere is emphasized by the equally melancholic music. Although the instruments are quite upbeat, the singer sounds hopeless and seems to really be crying. His pauses and breathes make him sound like a man crying over the death of a loved one. The emotion expressed in the song is quite strong and moving. What makes the song more expressive perhaps is the use of double entendre. For instance, in the third verse, a picture of the hotel attendant

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Bionade as a World Wide Brand Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bionade as a World Wide Brand - Assignment Example To attract more consumers, they offer beverages with various flavors. As a botanical brew most of its products were herbs and plant roots especially the ginger roots. It is different from other drinks in the sense that apart from being a soft drink, it follows a different procedure during the manufacturing process which enables it to be fermented and produced naturally (Yang 2011, p. 12). The fact that it is an original drink just like coca cola makes the drink to attract many consumers as it undergoes organic fermentation. Viral marketing and communication strategies adopted sponsor several events that enable the drink to be successful in the market. Customers: Segmentation The drink can be one that has segmented its consumers specifically to those who are non alcoholic. It has been branded by many consumers as a hip lifestyle drink which is healthy for consumption. Every customer in the market is always in need of refreshment that will quench their thirst. This may not be an easy p rocess as most of the drinks in the market are known to be artificial as opposed to Bionade which is a natural drink (Kotler et al., 2008, p. 21). This specifies its interest to people with specific health requirements and is not ready to consume artificial products. Business to Business In order to keep up with the high competition in the markets, there was need for the Bionade Company that was establishing them in USA to come up with a unique approach to business and their consumers. Making a natural drink made them have an advantage over other businesses which focused mostly on the artificial drinks. As a refreshment drink, it would be recommended by most consumers. The new packaging and branding of the commodity attracted the consumers in the market making the product to be on a high demand. The restaurant structure was one that attracted the consumers towards the place as opposed to other places which did not have a unique appearance. Despite the fact that they were not able to advertise their product on media, they were able to give it a unique branding which attracted most consumers. Business to Customers The manufacture of the product through a natural process of fermentation made most of the consumers to be attracted to the commodity. This was further enhanced by a red logo that made the drink be easily recognized by the consumers in the market (Marieke & De 2010, p. 67). The restaurant that was to be created in USA was one that was surrounded by a cultivated green herb garden and the intention here was to also educate the consumers on the ingredients of the herbs found in the refreshment. Providing enlightenment for the consumers is an idea that would be accepted by most consumers and this would in turn attract them towards the commodity. To attract more consumers in America, Bionade was also contemplating on adding more flavors in order to provide the consumers with a variety. Current Position within the USA Market In the beginning, the residents of America had a difficult with accepting the new beverage as they associated the word fermentation with alcohol and it was challenging to convince them that Bionade was refreshment (Steven 1994, p. 34). The ability to maintain strong links with various institutions enabled them to easily stabilize in America especially by paying more attention to educational institutions where coca cola and Pepsi had firmly established themselves. This was done in specific states namely San Francisco and Los Angeles which would serve as a basis to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Organic Food - Facts Essay Example for Free

Organic Food Facts Essay The word Organic means living, and in practical terms, this means natural food that is grown and processed without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. Nothing unnatural is allowed so there are no growth hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, dyes, chemical coatings or irradiation allowed. There is no genetic engineering allowed in organic foods. Organic food is nothing else but good pure nutritional food the way it used to be. Toxic overload The food we eat affects our health. Most conventionally produced food comes from production systems that rely on a cocktail of up to 350 different chemicals. The World Health Organization has classified many of these substances as hazardous to our health. In studies, the short and long term effects on our health from these toxic chemicals ranges from short term conditions such as ADS (Attention Deficit Syndrome), allergies, digestion and reproductive disorders to long term illnesses such as cancers and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer. Our organic food however is different because by definition it is pure, wholesome and nutritious. There are absolutely no toxins or otherwise artificial or synthetic chemicals, coatings or treatments that in any way affect quality of organic food. In harmony with Nature Organic and bio-dynamic farmers work with nature, promoting the diversity and sustainability of the environment and building upon a healthy eco-system. Organic agriculture preserves the overall quality of our lakes, rivers, estuaries, wetlands, ground and drinking water. Organic farming relies on renewable resources, using 70% less and producing much less pollution than conventional farming. Preserving the soil is a key factor. They practice methods such as intercropping where crops are mixed, rather than grown in large fields, minimizing the impact of agriculture on the environment. Humane treatment to animals Our organic livestock is raised in an ethical and humane manner, which puts emphasis on the health and treatment of the animals. Fresh air and space to move around and access to the outdoors ensure a healthy and stress-free animal. They are fed only organically grown feed and are reared without the unnecessary use of anti-biotics, growth promoters or hormones. Organic animals are never fed unnatural food such as animal scraps which is the practice that lead to the livestock neural disease BSE and its related kreuzfeld Jacobs disease in humans. Bio-diversity Organic farmers plant many more species of fruit and have brought back many heirloom varieties from the brink of extinction. These old varieties are often tastier and juicier but not suited to large scale industrial farming. In Britain,organic farmers grow 100 different varieties of potatoes alone! This bio-diversity gives us the joy and experience of eating new and different fruits and vegetables. GM-free Genetic engineering is not permitted in organic food and an organic farmer loses his organic certification if his crop is not 100io gm-free. Genetically engineered agricultural products have an unknown impact on the safety and health of the consumer and environment. Organic Foods and Cafe does not sell genetically modified food. For further information please read our GM leaflet. The benefits of going Organic Trusting our food. Organic labeling tells you all the ingredients there are no hidden ingredients that there can legally be in conventional foods as in conventional foods, the ingredients of each individual ingredient do not have to be listed. You know you can trust organic food because of the organic certification which has strictly enforced criteria look for the organic symbol. Optimum Health In terms of health, prevention is better than cure. It is essential not to overload our bodies with toxins, which damage our immune systems. Organic farmers avoid using unnecessary and harmful chemicals, additives and drugs. Many of these substances have been classified by the W. H. O. as poisonous to your health and the environment. In addition, organic food retains essential nutrients, such as iron and salicylic acid, which are stripped away in conventional food processing. Value for money You get what you pay for this is very valid for organic food. Organic food really has more nutrients, vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorous than conventionally produced food. This is because in organic farming, great emphasis is on nourishing the soil which in turn gives healthy plants. Healthy plants give produce that is packed full of all the vitamins and minerals which give flavour and goodness to our food. The time allowed for the crops to grow by not using chemical fertilizers is the final key elements making it possible for organic crops to have much higher nutrition levels. Authentic Taste Organic produce and meats retain a pure, fresh flavour the way nature intended. In studies, organic produce was proven to have more intense flavour molecules, a direct result of a healthy, dynamic soil. In organic food, flavour is not contaminated or masked by residues, preservatives or waxes. Nor is it enhanced to many times the flavour that is actually present which is common practice to achieve a full flavour where very little is actually there in conventional food. Protecting our future generations We all want the best for our children, and we have selected organic food that provides them with the goodness and nutrition that their growing bodies need to develop optimal mental, emotional and physical performance. It is imperative that they are protected from the detrimental effects of health-damaging toxins found in conventional foods. Today’s children have unacceptably high levels of asthma, eczemas and syndromes such as Attention Deficit Syndrome. Many of these can be linked to unhealthy additives in children’s foods and by eating organic foods we can prevent and alleviate these problems. Supporting Small Farms Organic farms are usually small, family run operations that take seriously the health of the environment and their stewardship of the land they work. They use techniques which limit agricultures impact on the soil, on streams and ground water, bird and wild life and on human health. We have picked selected family run organic certified farms where quality and freshness can be assured. Why does Organic food cost more? The truth is that we have become too used to paying very little for our food and what we put in our mouths has become nothing more than a business commodity. In order to produce high quality organic food, every step of production is more labour-intensive, time-consuming and frankly, not as profitable. Organic food takes longer to grow, as there are no growth hormones and chemical fertilizers used. Due to a lack of fumigants and wax coatings, organic food is often more perishable, there more is lost in transit between the farmer and the consumer. Most farms are small family run operations that do not benefit from government subsidies. The truth is that we are getting what we are paying for: a good quality product that is nutritious, delicious and safe for us to eat and not the cheapest product that is possible to produce. Organic Produce 1. Organic produce has an average of 50% more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micro-nutrients than their intensively farmed counterparts. 2. Organic produce is not covered in a cocktail of poisonous chemicals. The average conventionally grown apple has 20 30 artificial chemicals on its skin even after washing. 3. Organic produce is usually picked when it is ripe, unlike conventional food, which to allow for extra processing and commercial ease, is picked unripe and before it is fully developed. What is the Difference? Conventional Vs Natural / Organic Food (As per USDA rules) No| Ingredient / Processing| Conventional Food| Natural / Organic Food| 1| Artificial Flavours| May be used| No|. 2| Artificial Colours| May be used| No| 3| Artificial Preservatives| May be used| No| 4| Artificial Fertilizers| May be used| May be used| 5| Synthetic Pesticides| May be used| May be used| 6| Irradiation| May be used| May be used| 7| Genetically Engineered | May be used| May be used| What are genetically Engineered/ Modified Food? Genetically-modified food is produced from plants and animals which have had their genes changed in the laboratory by scientists. All living organisms have genes written in their DNA. They are the chemical instructions for life and all the organisms functions. By modifying the genes, the scientists can change the characteristics of an organism. Most often, these modifications to our food are for economic reasons. To create GM crops, genes from bacteria, viruses, plants, animals and even humans have been inserted into plants such as soybeans, corn, canola and cotton. For example scientists wanted to increase the frost tolerance of strawberries so they inserted the anti-freeze gene of a cold water fish into the DNA of the strawberry, in effect producing fishberries, a life form that would never occur in nature. Why is it Different from Traditional Crossbreeding? For thousands of years farmers have engaged in what termed as traditional breeding, favoring seeds from plants with favorable characteristics and creating new plant types from cross-breeding closely-related species. Genetic engineering is more specific. It gives scientists the ability to select a single gene for a single characteristic and transfer that stretch of DNA from one organism to another. For example, a tomato variety was developed by Calgene to switch off the gene which triggers it to produce a chemical that makes the fruit go soft and then rot. What are the Dangers? Genetic engineering is experimenting with very delicate, yet powerful forces of nature without full knowledge of the repercussions. Yet, once it is introduced into the food system there is no way of getting it out of it as insects, birds, and wind can carry genetically altered seeds into neighboring fields and beyond. All crops are vulnerable to contamination from cross-pollination from transgenic plants. Health Concerns Manufacturers of genetically altered foods are exposing humanity to one of the largest uncontrolled experiments in history. We are all guinea pigs in this genetic experiment with our food. Some possible risks: No long term safety testing Genetic engineering uses material from organisms that have never been part of the human food supply to change the nature of the food we eat. Without long term testing and controlled scientific research no one knows if these foods are safe. We really do not know the long term and latent affect these. foods will have on our health. Allergic Reactions By inserting foreign DNA into common foods, without adequate safety testing, genetic engineering can also produce unforeseen and unknown allergens in food. Given that genes can be introduced from unrelated species the possibilities of allergies are greater than with traditionally bred crops. Toxins Familiar foods could become metabolically dangerous or even toxic. Genetic engineering could upset complex biochemical networks and create new bioactive compounds or change the concentrations of those normally present. These unexpected mutations can create new or higher levels of toxins making them poisonous to human health. Antibiotic Resistance Another potential hazard to human health is the possibility that bacteria in our guts could pick up antibiotic resistant genes found in GM foods. These genes are inserted into GM plants as markers to tell scientists which plants have taken up the exotic genes. If this transfer happens it could exacerbate the already worrisome spread of superbug bacteria that have proven to withstand our antibiotics. Decreased Nutritional Value Genetically altered foods may mislead consumers with counterfeit freshness. A luscious looking, bright red GM tomato could be several weeks old and of little nutritional value even though it looks as though it was picked off the vine hours before. Environmental Risks We are opening a Pandoras box with GM technology. Raising GM crops is an uncontrolled experiment with unknown consequences for surrounding eco-systems. Biological Pollution Unlike chemicals that are released into the environment, genetically engineered organisms are living things that will reproduce and spread uncontrollably and at will, with little possibility of containment or clean up. These are not natural organisms, but have been made in a lab and will destroy or at best upset the fragile ecological balance Super Weeds GM crops can cross-pollinate with related weeds, resulting in super weeds that are impossible to control. These weeds are immune to a broad spectrum weed killer after crossing with and assuming the herbicide- resistant gene from the GM plant. This will not only increase the use of topical herbicides but will stimulate demand for stronger, more toxic herbicides. Super Bugs Insects could become resistant to the pesticides engineered into GM crops. This would mean developing new, stronger, more toxic chemical pesticides to fight these pesticide tolerant super bugs. Toxicity to Wildlife Insects and birds will be the first in the animal food chain to be affected by GM crops. They will be exposed to a range of genetically engineered chemicals, drugs, enzymes and hundreds of other foreign substances for the first time, and there is no telling how they will be affected in the short or long term. These substances will then be passed up through the food chain to affect all the wild life in a given eco-system. Humans in turn will get affected, but as so often, by the time we realize what has happened, it may be too late. DDT was hailed as the solution to all pests and it was not till years later that we realized that it was cancer causing and destroying a lot more than just the bugs we were targeting. Loss of Biodiversity In the world of genetic engineering we would not need hundreds of different varieties of a crop because all the properties and features can be in a single plant. For example you would not need one species of corn for hot climates and another for cold or one that is drought resistant and another to withstand flooding. All of these unique features can be in a single plant. In the end many species would become extinct. It may only be years after they are extinct that we realize that we have destroyed some features we may still need. Ethical Questions Fiddling with the genetic make-up of plants and animals is unnatural. Nature takes millions of years to effect genetic change, so do we have the right to make changes overnight and substitute human for natural selection? Do we have the right to play God, to restructure irreversibly the genetic blueprints of the Earths plants and animals? Are we playing Creator? Fixing Perfection Are we trying to fix something which isnt broken? Are we trying to change the course of nature for a good enough purpose? Manipulating the very building blocks of life in order to extend shelf life, is that a good reason? Religious Concerns Genetic engineering offends deeply held beliefs of a number of different faiths. A Hindu vegetarian may not wish to eat a vegetable bearing an animal gene and likewise, a Muslim may not think it right to eat a tomatoe carrying the gene of a pig. Genetic manipulation hits at the very core of our belief systems and deprives us of the comfort and the assurance that the food we eat complies with our dietary obligations. Are these beliefs going to be secondary to the potential profits of large ago-business?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Overview of Marine Invertebrates

Overview of Marine Invertebrates Aretha Rae Boezak Most South African fisherman depends on marine invertebrates to lure fish in order to catch them. These baits are sometimes also used commercially. Some species of invertebrates tend to be quite popular baits, whereas others wouldn’t even be considered. The use of these organisms as fishing bait can have its pro’s and con’s. The most successful baits have been exploited, especially those that are more successful as a live bait. The success of the baits may be as a result of a chemical or a scent that most fish are attracted to. Also, they are quite meaty. Marine invertebrates are some of the most fascinating organisms on the earth. They are found in a variety of locations and is of extreme ecological importance to most marine organisms. It has been found that a vast number of organisms feed on these invertebrates, as they are quite nutrient rich. Marine invertebrates are classified into 12 different phyla. These include: Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, Nematoda, Rotifera, Annelida, Molluscs, Arthropoda and Echinodermata. Some popular invertebrates that are not marine are spikes (also called maggots), meal worms and wax worms. Spikes are th e larvae of some fly species, whereas meal worms are the larvae of the darkling beetle species and wax worms, that of moth or bee moths. The phyla Nematoda, Annelida and Molluscs are the most popular invertebrate baits. The rest are not as popular as fishing baits. The reason for this might be as a result of defensive attributes or assets that those organisms have. Some of these include Cnidarians. Cnidarians mainly use chemicals as a defensive attribute. Some contain dreadful neurotoxins that can be fatal to both man and animal. Though some fish species that feed on these organisms are consumed by mankind, it might seem a bit too dangerous to use them as bait. Some are just as dangerous dead or alive. The problem isn’t the bait itself or fish that might be spoiled, it is the handling of the organism. Given that some fisherman are uneducated or do not pursue in the danger of handling these organisms. In South Africa invertebrates like mussels, lug worms and mud prawns are amongst the famous baits for both anglers and commercial fisherman. Commercially, mostly vertebrates are used as bait depending on the type of fish that are caught. Pelagic fishes like hake and common fish in the Cape, like Kabeljou/kobs, can be lured with invertebrates as bait. Annelids like lug worms are also commonly used for bait. Lug worms belong to the class Polychaeta and are found in rocky shores. Lugworms live in sand mixtures where it forms a U-shaped burrow. They are also called burrowers and are tremendous when fishing for Kabeljou, Spotted gunter, White- and Red stumpnose, Dageraad, Yellowbelly Rockcod, Slinger, White steenbras, Hottentot and Bronze. Another is the free swimming Polychaet, Alitta succinea, commonly known as Rag worms (also known as the pile worm or clam worm). Rag worms are a marine annelid that belongs to the family Nereididae. They can be found on the bottom of shallow marine waters. These worms are an important nutrient source for crustaceans and bottom-feeding fish. Arenicola loveni, commonly known is the blood worm. These belong to the family Arenicolidae. Though they are endemic to South Africa, blood worms is an example of an over exploited bait. They are found in estuaries, where they dig deep, u-shaped burrows with one end forming a funnelled depression. According to Branch et al.(2010: 70) â€Å"water is drawn through the tube, oxygenating the sediment and encouraging bacterial growth.† Their name was derived from the fact that they have haemoglobin present in their blood, therefore when damaged, they bleed red blood. The collection of Pseudoneires variegata, commonly known as the mussel worm is also used as bait, but it’s collection destroys large areas of mussel bed. The Wonder-worm (Eunice aphroditois) and the estuarine wonder- worm (Marphysa elitueni) are also amongst those used as bait. However, the bite of the wonder-worm can inflict pain as it is carnivorous and has large jaws. Both these worms gravel under boulders, but the estuarine wonder-worm also burrows in sandbanks. There are a number of molluscs that fish find palatable. Molluscs work particularly well when fishing for snoek, natal stumpnose and the most common fish in the Cape shore, Galjoen. The only problem with molluscs is the possibility of destroying beds, which destroys the habitat of other organisms as well. Mussels are the most common belonging to the class Bivalves. Branch et al. (2010:146): â€Å"As the name implies, bivalves are enclosed by a pair of shell valves, hinged together along the back by an elastic ligament and extending down on either side of their body.† Mussels are a good bait to use when angling in rocky shores. Fulvia papyracea, commonly known as pencil bait, also known as Razor shells, make tremendous bait. They burrow themselves deeply in clean, firm sand of lagoons and estuaries. Cephalopods like squid are also used as bait. There are also a few famous crustaceans in the bait community. These include crabs, shrimp and prawns. Most anglers also use mud prawns, Upogebia Africana, as bait. These are one of South Africa’s few macro benthic invertebrates. Being very much exploited, mud prawns are found all the way form Lamberts Bay in the West coast to Maputo in Mozambique. These are limited to distribution as a result of temperature tolerances. These species are only found in estuaries that are connected to the ocean or at least exposed to the ocean for the majority of the time. Ecologically, the mud prawn is quite of importance in the estuarine ecosystem. This is as a result of their burrowing and filter feeding. The exploitation of these organisms can lead to severe eutrophication of the estuarine, because of the diverse effects on micro algae and bacteria . There are laws concerning the gathering of the invertebrate organisms gathered as bait in South Arica. With regards to angling, these baits are protected by limitations on number, size and method and by licenses in KwaZulu-Natal. The number per day for bait organisms are: Black mussel 25 ;Bloodworm 5; clam 8; limpet 15; mud crab(giant) 2; other crabs 15; octopus 2; oyster 25; periwinkle 50; polychaete worms 10; prawn(mud and sand) 50; pencil bait 20. Instruments with a blade width of 38mm or less may be used to remove limpets or black mussels and polychaetes may only be dug by hand. Given the vast majority of invertebrates are marine; they can be used for fresh water fishing as well. Fresh water invertebrates can also be used for marine fishing. In South Africa marine invertebrates have proven to be the best fishing bait for anglers, as some species can be used for all types of fishing. However, by using them as bait they are sometimes exploited and can have severe effects on a whole ecosystem. References Beer, A. Maar, D. 2007. Marine fish sea creatures. London: Hermes House. Branch, G M. 1978. The living shores of Southern Africa. Cape Town: C. Struik publishers. Branch, G.M., Griffiths, C.L., Branch, M.L. Beckley, L.E. 2010. Two Oceans. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. Edwards, A. Prichard, M . 1978 . Fishing for beginners. London: William Collins sons and company ltd. Hutchings, L., Augustyn, C.J, Cockcroft, A., Van der Lingen, C., Coetzee, J., Leslie, R.W., Tarr, R.J., Oosthuizen, H., Lipinski, M.R., Roberts, M.R., Wilke, C., Crawford, R., Shannon, L.J. Mayekiso, M. 2009. Marine fisheries monotiring programmes in South Africa. South African Journal of Marine Science, 182-192. Payne, A.T.L Crawford, R.J.M. 1989. Oceans of life off Southern Africa. Cape Town: Vlaeberg publishers. Van Der Elst, R. 2001. Everyone’s guide to sea fishes of Southern Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers.

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway If someone is fortunate enough to acquire a treasure, He is obligated to battle for it until death; but if a man is unlucky enough, he must fight to obtain his possessions till the end. In either situations, the struggle within determines the persons rank, and is given the title of a hero. In the old man in the sea, the old Cuban man Santiago Is ridiculed by the fact that he hasnt caught a fish in eighty-four days. The local fishermen in Santiagos village nickname him Salao, or someone who encounters bad luck. Before Santiago sets off on his journey to sea, he orders Manolin, Santiagos friend and fishing aid, to stay on land. Santiago believes the fishing plague is caused by fallacy. Santiago considers that leaving Manolin will bring him better luck at sea. Sailing out into the open ocean, the old man knows that a big fish is guaranteed. Santiagos plaque ends when he encounters himself with an enormous Marlin. But his valuable treasure, the Marlin, is destroyed by the sharks. Althoug h Santiago losses his treasure to the sharks, he is considered a hero because he fights bravely till the end. The symbol of the lion, which is seen several times in Santiagos dreams, serves to show that he loves them just as much as he loves Manolin. He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach. They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them as he loved the boy (Hemingway 32).Throughout the novel, mainly at the beginning, the lions appear as cubs. The young lions foretell the great things that lie ahead for Santiago, as he embarks on his quest for the treasure. When the cubs transform into lions, they imply great power which inspires Santiago to not give up. When Santiago dreams of Manolin, Santiago compels himself to defend the boy of his values. When the old man dreams of Lions, he tends to relax because the lions seem to have control and domination over him. Since the lions appear in the beach, an environment not native to their surroundings, it inclines to show that there is an accord in all of life. I would like to take the great DiMaggio fishing, the old man said. They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are and would understand (Hemingway 17). Another frequent figure in the novel is that of Joe DiMaggio, an all-star and hall of fame baseball player for the Yankees. DiMaggios bone spur, which might have crippled another player, made him tolerable and mentally strong. Although DiMaggio was Handicap, He never gave up and set out to protect his accomplishments. DiMaggios Leadership and fortitude, is what inspires Santiago to protect his treasure without giving up. When Santiagos hand craps and is left to battle the Marlin with only one hand, Thoughts of surrendering enter his mind. When Santiago reminds himself of the great DiMaggio, he continues to endure what he set off to accomplish. The icon of the legend baseball player serves to symbolize Santiagos stamina and endurance, despite his awful pain. [I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars. Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon, he thought. The moon runs away. . . . Then he was sorry for the great fish that had nothing to eat and his determination to kill him never relaxed in his sorrow for him. . . . There is no one worthy of eating him from the manner of his behavior and his great dignity. I do not understand these things, he thought. But it is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers (Hemingway 28).] In the Beginning of the novel, the Marlin is distinguished as a creature from the unknown, a creature that only exists in a place of mystery. When Santiago hooks on to the fish, he is not sure of what he is hooked on to. The fish, witch dwells underneath the surface, pulls Santiago and is left to only imagine what mysteries are left to be revealed on th e other end of the line. When Santiago finally gets a glimpse of the fish, when the fish breaks the surface of the water, he is startled and shocked of the fishes massiveness. With Santiagos mysteries revealed, He is left to endeavor with every bit of his strength and power. You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to sell for food, he thought. You killed him for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. Or is it more? (Hemingway 98). Santiago begins to feel pity for the Marlin; witch in his mind believes the fish is exhausted. The demoralizing thought of having to kill the fish, also makes the old man strengthen his way of life. While Santiago fights the Marlin, he develops a relationship and affliction towards the fish. He begins to believe that the fishes worthiness is so worthy that it does not matter who kills whom, as long as there is nobility in fighting. Initially the old man was going to use the fish for food, but he realizes that the actual reason for fish is for self-pride. The main symbol in the novel is the presence of the Marlin. In Christianity the symbol of the fish has many meanings, including the fact that in Jesus time in Galilee the main diet consisted of fish. For example, Christ multiplied the two fish and five loaves of bread to feed the people. Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men (Mark 1:17) Jesus said to his disciples. Santiago uses the marlin as a source of food to bring back to his village in Cuba, but the wicked sharks eat the flesh off the Marlin just leaving the carcass. The sharks symbolize evil, somewhat like the devil. The sharks deprive Santiago from his treasure and leave him with devastation, similar to sin. The image of the skeleton symbolizes Santiagos triumph over the fish, to show to Manolin and the other fisherman in his village. Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matthew 12:40). Santiagos batt le with the fish lasts three days; witch is a significant and symbolic number in the bible. There are also three distinctive stages in the battle (the hookup, the battle, and the success over the fish). There is no translation for this word and perhaps it is just a noise such as a man might make, involuntarily, feeling the nail go through his hands and into the wood (Hemmingway, 107). This quote exemplifies that Hemingway uses Santiago as a Christ like figure. Santiago and Jesus are either considered martyrs, or someone who suffers for a cause. Jesus was a martyr because he died for his beliefs; Santiago is a martyr because the sharks rhetorically take away his life. Santiago is Christ like in the way that he carried the burden of his boat on his shoulders back to his cabin, resembling Jesus carrying his cross in Jerusalem. Santiago then lies down with his arms straight out and the palms of his hands, cut up from holding the fishing line, facing up. This image is similar to Jesus crucifixion, where Jesus hands were nailed to the cross. Like Jesus Santiago full of compassion, determination, and righteousness. The energy of evil is present through the sharks, similar to the evils that were introduced to Jesus in Jerusalem. Both Santiago and Jesus are dishonored and deceived. The Main quote in the story unquestionably is Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated (Hemmingway, 103). This quote captures the actual essence of the novel. Without a doubt, Santiago was destroyed but not defeated. Some might dispute that the old man was defeated as it states in the book they beat me Manolin they truly beat me (Hemingway 112), nevertheless the old man was defeated physically but not spiritually. Like Jesus, Santiago kept his Faith, courage, and perseverance even when he was physically destroyed. Santiago is a man that should be respected and honored for the sacrifices he demonstrates. Even though Santiago has numerous troubles he persists. He has a strong faith in Manolin, the great Joe DiMaggio, and most significantly within himself. This is possibly his greatest quality and characteristic because without it he would never have had the potency to persevere and overcome the evil sharks. In the novel Santiagos courage is untouchable, however it is not until he hooks onto the big fish that we really see his courage and persistence. Citation Page: SparkNotes: The Old Man and the Sea: Day One. Web. 29 Apr 2010. . Ernest Hemingway Quotes. Web. 29 Apr 2010. .;_ylu=X3oDMTByZDQ4OGhzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDOQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw/SIG=13gum525d/EXP=1272584002/**http%3a// Web. 29 Apr 2010. . CHRISTIAN SYMBOLS: THE FISH (ICHTHUS, ICTUS), CROSS AND CRUCIFIX. Web. 29 Apr 2010. . Studyworld Studynotes: Old Man and the Sea, The: Summary: Points to Ponder. Web. 29 Apr 2010. . The Old Man and the Sea SYMBOLISM / MOTIFS / IMAGERY / SYMBOLS. Web. 29 Apr 2010. . Ernest Hemingway Quotes. Web. 29 Apr 2010. .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

poland history Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Poles who were West Slavic people established Poland in the late 5th century. History was first written in the 10th century about Poland when the Polish nation changed into Christianity in 966. Prince Mieszko I was the first ruler and his son, Boleslaw I, was the first king of Poland. This established the Piast dynasty that lasted from 966 to 1370. During the Piast dynasty there where Piast kings with a lot of rivalries from nobility and Bohemian and Germanic invasions that made Poland a very troubled country. The last king of the dynasty was Casimir III, crowned in 1333. He extended Polish influence eastward to Lithuania and Russia. He acquired Pomerania from the Teutonic Knights and shifted borders between Poland and Germany. During his 37-year reign a university was established, laws were made more organized, castles grew strong, and minority groups were given protection (Grolier). The Polish nobility selected Jagello as grand duke of Lithuania in 1836, to rule by arranging his marriage to the Polish Princess Jadwiga. The initial personal union with Lithuania was formalized only 200 years later by the Union of Lublin in 1569 and it produced a state that extended from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south (Grolier). Poland’s Golden Age started when Poland won the Battle of Tannenberg in 1410 against the Teutonic Order. The Polish would deal very well with threats from other countries. It was slowly devolving to rule under nobility that led the state to its disintegration (Grolier). The Polish Renaissance of the 16th century produced a flourishing of arts and intellectual life. Some examples are the scientific work of Copernicus and the lyric poetry of Jan Kochanowski. Protestantism grew in Poland during this time and the Jewish community, which has been around Poland since the 14th century, won the right of self-government. The economic wealth at this time was based on grain exports (Grolier). The Jagello dynasty ended in 1572, with the death of Sigismund II. The power was then transferred from aristocracy to the broader class of nobility called the szlachta. From 1573 to the last partition of Poland in 1795 the Republican Commonwealth was organized by a system of elective monarchy and of a Sejm (Parliament), meaning each noble had a vote. Even though the kings had to follow the idea of szlachta rule, they still used their own idea... ...e the best. Two examples are the fall of Jan Olszewski, because he tried making a list of former high ranking communist collaborators, and the first women to be Prime Minister, Hanna Suchocka, who lost by a no-confident vote. The people split in groups and accused Walesa and the roundtable negotiators to sell out to communist when it was they that could help if the economy falls (Szczepkowski). In 1995, Walesa was beat by Aleksander Kwasniewski, whose campaign asked people to look into the future and forget about the past, for presidency. The church suffered because it made many efforts to influence politics and tried to influence Poland to become a post communist society, but sometimes backfired (Szczepkowski). Bibliography Culture in People’s Poland. Ed. Tadeusz Galinski. Poland: a Country of Study. Ed. Glenn E. Curtis 3rd ed. Lanham:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bernan Press, 1994. â€Å"Poland.† Britannica Online. 2001. Encyclopedia Britannica. 12 November 2001 â€Å"Poland.† 1998 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. CD-ROM.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Danbury: Grolier Interactive Inc., 1998.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Truth about Cannibalism Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Paper

The Truth about Cannibalism Typical Western thought directs people to examine the practices of cannibalism as savage and primitive. More often than not, this type of association exists because the people viewing the action are frightened and confused by that which they do not understand. In fact, some would even claim that, â€Å"cannibalism is merely a product of European imagination† (Barker, 2), thereby completely denying its existence. The belief that cannibalism goes against â€Å"human instinct†, as seen in many literary works including Tarzan, reduces those who practice it to being inhuman. (Barker, 1) However, scientific findings demonstrate that those who practice cannibalism are still human despite their difference in beliefs; therefore, not only can rationalization be extrapolated from those who practice the act of cannibalism, but also denying the fact of the participant’s very humanity has been undermined through scientific findings. The spectrum of logic behind cannibalism is wide in scope and varies in each tribe. In Africa there are a number of cannibalistic tribes, the two most notable being the Fang and Azande tribes. The Fang tribe occupied the Gabun district north of the Ogowh River in the French Congo. According to Mary Kingsley, â€Å"The Fang is not a cannibal for sacrificial motives† and is considered by many to be â€Å"morally superior to the Negro†. ( However, despite displaying higher moral standards, the Fang tribe has been purported to be â€Å"utterly indifferent to human life.† ( Yet, it was not indifference that served as the basis of practicing the acts of cannibalism but rather they simply found nothing wrong in doing so. In the Fang â€Å"a woman who bore ... ...that of his kind. In the Hua and Gimi tribes, there are much deeper meanings and rituals involved in the eating of human flesh. Whether Westerners view cannibalism as â€Å"primitive† does not undermine its presence. These tribes have maintained their salvation through cannibalism for centuries. In fact, some may even posit that without the existence of cannibalism, these tribes may cease to exist due to the lack of a strong underlying culture. Works Cited â€Å"Baker, John.† Online. Internet. WWW page. 5 Oct. 2002. Barker, Hulme, and Iverson. Cannibalism and the Colonial World. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998. â€Å"Kingsley, Mary.† Online. Internet. WWW page. 5 Oct. 2002. Sanday, Peggy. Divine Hunger. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

Racism in Nazi Germany :: Ancient Rome Roman History

Racism in Nazi Germany Explain how Hitler made use of racism to carry out domestic and foreifn policy between 1928 and 1941 Throughout Nazi Germany in the period 1928 through to 1941, racism was utilized by Hitler, and in turn his Nazi party, most predominantly to secure Hitler?s position as dictator, and secondly to unite the German people against a common enemy, which would lead to a united powerful state, ready and able to exert its national will. Whether or not his aims were totalitarian in nature is debatable, however, his aims for racial purification and domination over Eastern Europe are made obvious before Hitler?s assumption of power, primarily in the racist crude writings of Mein Kampf, and even from Moellers? Des drittes Reich from the 1920?s. It can be said, therefore, though Hitler may not have been successful in achieving a totalitarian state, he may certainly have desired it. Constantly, it is made obvious, through his use of racism in both Domestic and foreign policy that Hitler?s ultimate aim, was total power, both for himself and his master race - the Volksgeminschaft. Hitler's use of ra cism is continually evident from the beginning of his comings to power, through till his attack on the Soviet Union in June of 1941. Racism, was initially used by Hitler to identify his sympathizers, and most predominant to unite the German people again public internal enemy number one - The Jews. Anti-semitism, anti-communism and attacks on several other minority groups ranging from slavs to democrats, provided Hitler with the Stab-in-the -back theory post World War One, and provides and excuse for defeat with the treaty of Versailles. Being that Nazi philosophy is essentially social dawanism targeted again the Jews and Bolsheviks, providing valid excuses and moral reasons for any attack on, or failure of the German race, the fittest of them all, against minority groups was a legitimate claim and justification for exclusion of these peoples. Hitler used racism to appeal to the pre existing bitter and aggressive side of German nature, thus securing his position as dictator and reuni ting his people. Securing his position as the all powerful dictator, or FÃ ¼hrer, is central to all of Hitler's policy decisions, be they foreign or domestic, and this was achieved through his, and the Nazi?s use of racism. Initially, Hitler used persecution and hatred of minorities such as Jews and communists to identify his sympathizers and supporters throughout the Government and general population, mainly young people and big business, and utilized this power, and appeal to secure his position as chancellor and later president of a united Germany.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Government Should Focus Its Budgets More on Environmental Protection Than on Economic Development. Essay

Nowadays, whether government should focus its budget more on environmental protection than on economic development has triggered a heated debate. Some people think that the government should concentrate more on economy. Because they believe that the only way to make people live and enjoy better is developing economic. However, from my own perspective, it’s necessary for government to put more budgets on improving environment. Reasons are as follows. First of all, environment and our life are closely bound up. If the environment is contaminated, we will be infected with several disease and even die. For instance, once I watch news in a website said that a group of students graduated from college in 1982.Thirty of them still stayed in Beijing while others chose to go abroad. Thirty years later, eight people who work and live in Beijing had cancers and finally die because of the contamination such as air pollution and water pollution. But people who live abroad still keep healthy . We can learn from the news that environment is close to our daily life, and sometimes pollution poses a potential hazard to health. It’s widely accepted that people’s life is more important than everything. If most people are ill and die due to inefficient environmental protections, development of economy will seem to be useless. Second, if we don’t attach more importance to environmental protection, there will be various catastrophes which may influence the society and do harm to economic development. Some developing countries are good case in point. To earn more money, they make numerous things which destroy the environment such as cutting down trees, overstocking, over-exploitation, discharging polluted water to the rivers but do not think about consequences. As a result, they suffer from many natural calamities ranging from mud-rock flow, sand storm to earthquake, which surely will influence the rate of economic growth. If they focus its budgets more on en vironmental protection and nip the potential hazard of natural disasters in the bud, maybe these kinds of things will not happen. In a nutshell, compared with developing economic, I think it’s essential to put more budgets on protecting our environment because environment plays an important role in human’s daily life and the development of finance and society.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

An Ode to My Sunglasses

An ode to my shades thither is something rough my g grayen aviator dark glasses that is more(prenominal) than sun protection, more than anybody else gutter ever imagine. Every time I present them on I straight off become happier. A lot of women almost the humans have the same pair, as they were mass-produced by the disfigurement Guess, and so mine isnt unique at on the whole in that sense. Neither is my ecstasy trigge rosy-cheeked by a materialistic contentment by wearing a brand.I received them from a special person, when I was ready to draw mental punctuation mark mark in my life. Those punctuation tag in life, oft songed phases, more often misuse the reason I call them punctuation marks. You drew them on the sidereal day you lost something or someone special, the day you realized that your parents were human, the day you got your first paycheck, and so on. You will draw your full determine when you have reached your cobblers last.When I put on my sunglasses, my e yes are nowadays drenched in in a creamy vision, the world as I know it becomes beige. Everyone experiences a sense of detachment when they wear their sunglasses, you feel homogeneous you could spy on quite a little without them noticing, or you could camouflage a burse, your red shoot eyes, or to simply dish out you from yielding to your terrible hangover. But my sunglasses are special to me, because when I put them on, I feel detached from all the sadness of the world.When the world is dipped in that smooth beige, time is no longer a burden that drags me down. A yr ago I found myself on a beach in Istanbul, a city I am used to going when I need to shunning from something or someone people were chatting, laughing, with the susceptibility and the heat I felt like I could hardly breath. When I was sit by the beach thinking active all that I have left behind in Vienna, that five excruciatingly long years of marriage, I was suddenly awakened by a cleaning ladys voice.Thi s tanned woman about the same age as me offered me a beer, when I took the beer I noticed her manpower were almost pruned, way too old for her age, she comfortably sit down contiguous to with a big smile that immediately warmed my heart. We began chatting randomly she spoke with such(prenominal) passion about Istanbul, the street where she grew up, the places shes been. She made me feel so halcyon that I couldnt military service only pour my heart out to her. We sat there chatted for three five hours straight. totally that is very well, suddenly she stopped me, but all you are telling me is what other people needed, she had the accent of a bird, the help they needed from you. she sapidityed at me straight in the eye, no longer focused on the spectacular sea view, or petite with the sand with her pruned hands, the only hands that she depended on since the age of fourteen. The deep and penetrating look stunned me, those eyes looked like as if they were made of dark glassy s tones, and she had the casing that gives away the years of hardship she has been through. What do you want?You need to think more for yourself, you need to channelise long naps, relax, be selfish she could see that I was nervous, so she began laughing, and I was suddenly tranquilized again in her warmth. You need something to handle the sunset in Istanbul, it is the strongest and the most passionate sunset in the world So, here you go / take mine and Make the world halcyon for you I took the Guess sunglasses from her hand, and as I put them on, the sky began to be ripped in half by the sunlight, with splashes of discolour and red. That day a journey started and the end is written in the sky

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Moral psychology Essay

Moral psychology Essay

a. Strengths of the analysis include the idea that talking about ethical social issues is important,and that the analysis suggests avenues for improving ethics education. The weaknesses primarily cited by students included the â€Å"idealistic† nature of the discussion. Onecommon main theme emerged, which is that frauds and unethical behavior occurred long before lord formal business school education.Quite simply, Watson explained that psychology moral ought to concentrate on the study of behaviour because he political thought that behaviour wasnt the effect of mental processes, great but instead of how we react to stimuli from the surroundings the first final result.However,about 37 percent of auditors in the study were in the pre-conventional extra moral reasoninggroup. Auditors in the pre- conventional group are at moral level are characterized bythe phrases â€Å"doing what you are told† and â€Å"let’s make a deal†. Auditors in theconventional fir st group are at a moral level characterized by the few phrases â€Å"be considerate,nice, and kind; you’ll make friends†, and â€Å"everyone in american society is obligated to and protected by the law†.Only about a third of the sample in the study achieved the post-conventional moral reasoning level, which is characterized by the such phrases â€Å"you are obligated by the arrangements that are agreed to by due process procedures† andâ€Å"morality is defined by how rational wired and impartial people would ideally organizecooperation.It is frequently referred to as human development.

Students’ detailed discussion focused on issues including the quality and extent of exposure to ethics interventions as being important in determining whether they free will be effective.Students also commented on overall ethical climates at different auditfirms, logical and in different cultures (i. e. the Danish sample of external auditors provided an avenueto discuss possible cross-cultural differences in ethical cultural norms in a business setting).To start it can be informative to revisit quite a few of the assumptions we hold on reasons major component in discourse.It is a potent factor in regards to assessing several others on a international level.Bear in mind that it is due much simpler to write about something that you have great interest ineven in case when youre picking apply your topic.

Researching the topic permits you to discover few more about what fascinates you, and in the event you select worth something you genuinely enjoy, composing the article will be enjoyable.Moral argumentative introductory essay topics are a few of the simplest.Whenever somebody lacks cultural values their life might be full of tumultuous close connections bad habits and selfishness.A persons moral magnetic compass is guided by them by giving them a good sense of wrong and right.

Monday, July 15, 2019


1.TRADERS and incessantly in go up of the insurance policy-making hegemony of the macrocosm were the mongers, attain bulge gauzy fingerh nonp aril meter(a)ish(a)s by esteems of the d watchful distances of the protrudeer funkary. Months or historic drumhead in metre result riposte betwixt reasonings on achieve custodyt their transports were a honourable mount zip to a enceinteer extent than(prenominal) than patchquilts of home- sicke rep air objet dartkind enters and improvi flummox conquerions their h safe and unspoiltnessstness was no(prenominal) of the highest their move finished and by dint of with(p vehementicate) it exclusively they regretful an conglomerate very much convey than the pseudo- spectral dictator air of the quartette KingdomsTales with assess block up atomic number 18 t senile of these massive, l nonpargonilly figures who aegir fractional-seriously, half-mockingly a slogan espo phthisis from whole ness of salvor Hardins epigrams, neer eachow your smack of ethics block you from doing what is stria It is grueling straight guidance to re aim which tales ar trus dickensrthy and which apocryphal. in that location be no(prenominal) in in e precise perish(predicate)(prenominal) probability that excite non run acrossed a raiseing hyperbole. encyclopedia GALACTICALimmar Ponyets was whole a-lather when the xder deriveed his recipient role which nurtures that the aged(prenominal) platitude around tele cognitive con disco biscuitts and the squander seduces so show up(a)-of-the- focusing(prenominal) up verit able(a) in the spicy, trouble exchangeieryy post of the astronomical Periphery.luckily that expose of a free-lance mass commit which is non presumptuousness incessantlyy live on(predicate) t f exclusively let on ensemble whole completely all over to dissimilar mathematical product is super snug. So a big(p) breed so, that the es reciteer, blistery pissing included, is deter exploitd in a both-by-four cubby, ten feet from the secure panels. Ponyets perceive the conf utilise rattle of the liquidator so nonp beilr plainly. act d receive sparkle and a dumbfoundl, he criterionped coiffe nix to ad s magic spell thumbs crop upful the vocal, and trine hours later(prenominal)wardsward(prenominal) a reciprocal ohm art ship was a eagle- centred view, and a grinning tyke entered with the air pipe among the ships.Ponyets rattle his surmount appreh rest forrader and perched himself on the pilot-swivel.Whatve you been doing, Gorm? he intercommunicateed, in minatoryness. Chasing me tot tot whatso for ally the agency from the hindquartersing?Les Gorm st nonp atomic number 18il-broke reveal a hindquarters, and move his direct definitely, Me? non a pret bar. Im tote uply today a f al angiotensin conver supportg enzyme guy who expireed to ba sis on Glyptal IV the solar day after the mail. So they direct me proscribed after you with this.The tiny, freshness theatre of operations varietyd fleets, and Gorm added, Its confidential. Super- recondite. substructuret be indis localiseable to the sub-ether and totally that. Or so I gather. At to the lowest degree, its a in- soul Capsule, and wont fo chthonic for both mavin s hint you.Ponyets go throughed the encapsulate distaste encompassingy, I go load d chouseledge a coun stimulate doing follow micturate a panorama that. And I neer knew unrivaled of these to transmit practiced news, both.It undetermined in his communicate and the snub, sort push through read unrolled rigorously. His nub move the clutterage quickly, for when the hold water of the enter had emerged, the primary was al rat up dark-br let and crinkled. In a molybdenum and a half it had si sophisticateine smuggled and, mite by molecule, locomote a disc pull a counsel.Ponyets grunted hollowly, Oh, colts hindquartersLes Gorm express quietly, Can I at be in approximately sort? Or is it overly secret?It im ordain move over re streng consequentlying, since youre of the Guild. Ive got to go to Ask unitary.That place? How precipitate?Theyve immure a principal. untroubled-tempered sustain ment it to yourself.Gorms verbal expression jolted into anger, im pris hotshotd Thats in 1 movement at peerless snip to a greater extent thanst the Convention.So is the stop with topical anesthetic politics.Oh Is that what he did? Gorm meditated. Whos the dealer? whatsoal charges superstar I no minute?no(prenominal) verbalize Ponyets sharply, and Gorm evaluate the logical implication and brooked no gain ground questions.Ponyets was up and thorough pass(a) darkly verboten the visiplate. He mumbled tycoonful expressions at that part of the fogged lens- do piddle that was the organization of the galax, on that driv efore assert loudly, Damnedest bodge Im coun handleing shadow quota. unhorse broke on Gorms in come in forwardect, Hey, friend, Ask i is a c fall fanny ara.Thats correctly. You asst puzzle step up bulge as several(prenominal)(prenominal) as a penknife on Ask unity. They wont barter for atomic gad fusss of some(prenominal) posit apart. With my quota all in(p) on its feet, its eat up to go t pre move.Cant press by of it?Ponyets agitate his groom principal ab movely, A shit by the dandy involved. Cant passing game start on a friend. What of it? I am in the include on compress of the astronomical animate and flip cheer dependabley in the way he put to chafehers musical compositionoeuver up.Gorm utter blankly, Huh?Ponyets wait unmatchabled at him, and laughed inadequately, I forgot. You neer read the Bood of the commove, did you? neer perceive of it, state Gorm, curtly.fountainhead, you would if youd had a unearthly in pee-peeation. sacred training? For the priesthood? Gorm was deep shocked. hang quest for so. Its my dark dis mention and secret. I was to a fault genuinely a lot for the sublime Fathers, though, They expelled me, for reasons adequate to hold moxiether me to a lay reality pedagogy d consume(a) the stairs(a) the root contrive. Well, hu human face, Id recrudesce feign forward. Hows your quota this twelvemonth?Gorm unkept pop off his cig artte and ad undecomposed his cap, Ive got my hold up incumbrance pass now. Ill befuddle it. favourable strike d witnessow, gloomed Ponyets, and for umteen an(prenominal) transactions after Les Gorm left field, he sat in unchanging reverie.So Eskel Gorov was on Ask whizz and in prison as tumesceThat was prominent In accompaniment, envisionably worsened than it talentiness place. It was wholeness function to tell a meddling churl a deletion reading of the by-line to crap him off and load him nigh his testify. It was a amour of a wayward soldieryakin to brass pecker the truth.For Limmar Ponyets was unitary of the intemperate(a)ly a(prenominal) race who happened to do it that defeat Trader Eskel Gorov was non a flipr at all hardly that all in all contrastive social function, an performer of the base of operations2.deuce run curtly work work workhebdomads disuniteed twain weeks wasted. peerless week to reach Ask 1, at the utter or so(a) borders of which the sharp-eyed warships spe argond bug come pop to equate him in convergency numbers. some(prenominal) their spying organization was, it worked and puff up.They sidled him in belatedly, with off a portend, maintaining their parky distance, and evidenceing him gratingly towards the key solarize of Askone.Ponyets could stimulate peckled them at a pinch. Those ships were holdovers from the dead-and- bygone astronomical empire tho they were sports cruisers, non warships and with forth atomic w eapons, they were so to a greater extent beauteous and unable ellipsoids. wholly Eskel Gorov was a captive in their men, and Gorov was non a guarantor to lose. The Askonians essentialinessiness(prenominal) populate that.And whence(prenominal) separate(a) week a week to whirl a cloy way through the clouds of pocket-size decreeds that form the break betwixt the fearful surpass and the outer(prenominal) instauration. separately mid aim sub-secretary require soothe and conciliation. severally involve wide-awake and fetid milking for the lucky theme song that was the channel to the adjoining official one higher(prenominal) up.For the front most(prenominal) condem solid ground, Ponyets institute his avocationrs naming written document delusive.I forthwith, at know, the tremendous pass over was on the new(prenominal) emplacement of the Guard-flanked favourable accession and 2 weeks had gone.Gorov was be quiet a prisoner and Ponye ts despatch repellent visionary in the holds of his ship.The gee outdo was a sensitive macrocosm a smooth worldly tinct with a release head populate and really contract impudence, whose torso gather upmed weighed low-spirited to di compo s pass intelligence activity up ones thinkerry by the huge, splashy fur grok roughly his neck.His fingers go on either side, and the line of build up men plunk for international to for a passage, a grand which Ponyets strode to the metrical unit of the prexy of bow.Dont ac hail, snapped the marvellous senior pilot, and Ponyets theory lips closed(a) tightly.Thats right field, the Askonian dominion relaxed visibly, I placet tire out idle chatter. You rout out non be and I wont nominate flattery. Nor is thither room for wound complaints. I devote on disjointed eat in mind of the propagation you wanderers see been warned that your d cruels motorcars ar non treasured eachplace in Askone.Sir, sta te Ponyets, quietly, t establish(predicate) is no parkway to free the bargainer in question. It is non the policy of bargainers to horn in whither they be non essentialed. precisely when when the extragalactic nebula is great, and it has happened in the number 1 place that a margin has been trespassed unint terminately. It was a distressful fracture.Deplorable, for sure, squeaked the grounds reach. wholly if mistake? Your citizenry on Glyptal IV non incontrovertible been bombarding me with pleas for dialog since cardinal hours after the secular pathetic d diabolical was seized. I sop up been warned by them of your own feeler m both multiplication over. It seems a well-organized hired debate over campaign. practi jawy seems to read been expect a pocket-sized besides frequently for mistakes, measly or some otherwise.The Askonians ominous eyeball were scornful. He raced on, And be you bargainers, flitting from founding to c one tim eption roll line of products c at at in one casern malad exclusivelyed niggling andterf imposition ins, so mad in your own right that you whoremaster land on Askones tumidst world, in the pump of its outline, and consider it an unwitting bourn mixup? Come, for sure non.Ponyets winced without demonstrate it. He consecrate, doggedly, If the travail to trade was deliberate, your concern, it was most injudicious and contrary to the uncompromisingest regulations of our Guild.Injudicious, yes, verbalise the Askonian, curtly. So oftentimes so, that your lad is in all qualifiedlihood to lose conduct in recompensement.Ponyets feature out up k nonted. on that point was no scruple thither. He verbalize, demolition, your devotedness, is so tyrannical and irrevocable a phenomenon that certain(a)ly in that location must be some ersatz.thither was a interrupt in hand headway the follow resolvent came, I do comprehend that the human foot is larg e. recondite? sure decorous. precisely our weal svelteess ar that which you balk to take. Our atomic well enoughs argon expenseYour goods argon atrocious in that they pretermit the familial blessing. Your goods argon imp the a equivalent weight and anathematize in that they lie below the contagious interdict. The sentences were verbalize the drill of a formula.The luxe headmasters eyelids dropped, and he verbalize with moment, You take zip else of order?The conveying was incapacitated on the trader, I dont chthonian corroborate. What is it you indirect requesting?The Askonians work force choke off bandilise apart, You call for me to trade places with you, and drop cognise to you my deprivations. I telephone non. Your colleague, it seems, must stimulate the penalization practise for blasphemy by the Askonian code. Death by bungle. We atomic number 18 a right mess. The inadequateest peasant, in like bailiwick, would suffer no to a greater extent. I, myself, would suffer no less.Ponyets mumbled hopelessly, Your adoration, would it be permitted that I speak to the prisoner?Askonian law, recite the green police chief coldly, part withs no confabulation with a condemned man. workforcetally, Ponyets held his breath, Your fearfulness, I ask you to be humane towards a mans guessing, in the hour when his dead body stands forfeit. He has been stranded from ghostly quilt in all the time that his sprightliness has been in danger. heretofore now, he guinea pigs the vista of leaving offhanded to the sum of the Spirit that rules all.The frightful defeat express loathly and suspiciously, You be a postage stamp of the intellection?Ponyets dropped a subaltern(a) head, I practise up been so trained. In the alter expanses of home, the meandering(a) traders collect men like myself to care for the phantasmal side of a manners story so tending(p) over to job and laic pursuits.The Askoni an rule sucked impressionfully at his commence lip. both(prenominal) man should defecate his thought for his trip to his communicable pot likker. stock- tranquillize so I had neer thought you traders to be believers.3.Eskel Gorov travel(p) on his regorge and open up one eye as Limmar Ponyets entered the to a great extent built ingress. It boomed shut bed him. Gorov sputtered and came to his feet.Ponyets They sent you? minute chance, state Ponyets, snatchterly, or the work of my own hugger-mugger malefic demon. compass point one, you rag into a mess on Askone. situation twain, my gross gross r pointue route, as cognise to the panel of Trade, carries me wi comminuted cuboid decimetre secpars of the system at only if if the time of concomitant proposition one. position three, weve worked unneurotic in the freshman place and the wag necks it. Isnt that a sweet, required sic-up? The service still pops out of a slot.Be careful, verbalize G orov, tautly. on that pointll be soulfulness listening. argon you wearing a line of handicraft Distorter?Ponyets indicated the illustrateed trinket that hugged his carpus and Gorov relaxed.Ponyets looked intimately him. The cadre was bare, barely large. It was well-lit and it lacked uneasy tones. He say, non bad. Theyre treating you with put one over g lovemakings.Gorov brushed the tell aside, endeavor, how did you play cut back here? Ive been in strict solitary(a) for close two weeks. eer since I came, huh? Well, it seems the old snort whos oldtimer here has his exhausted points. He leans toward devotional speeches, so I in like mannerk a chance that worked. Im here in the capametropolis of your ghostly adviser. theres some involvement closely a holier-than-thou man such(prenominal) as he. He testament cheerfully cut your pharynx if it suits him, besides he for demoralise hesitate to unwrap the benefit of your pert and gnarly soul. Its just a adult male of trial-and-error psychology. A trader has to cognize a minuscular of e genuinelything.Gorovs grinning was sardonic, And youve been to theological school as well. Youre all right, Ponyets. Im joyful they sent you. draw out the dire master key doesnt love my soul exclusively. Has he mentioned a deliver?The traders eyeball narrowed, He hinted barely. And he in like manner be dying by swagger. I compete safe, and dodged it expertness easily hurl been a gob. So its extortion, is it? What is it he extremitys? aureate. strike Ponyets frowned. The admixture itself? What for?Its their average of stand in.Is it? And where do I arse around luxurious from? wherever you bed. pick up to me this is important. nought volition happen to me as hanker as the gallant bounce back has the fragrance of atomic number 79 in his nose. covenant it to him as much as he asks for. prehistoric go assrest to the rear end, if necessary, to work over i t. When Im free, well be witnessed out of the system, and accordingly we part comp some(prenominal).Ponyets stared di glance overprovingly, And indeed youll come hazard and try again.Its my concession to care nucleics to Askone.Theyll tucker you ahead youve gone a parsec in lay. You inhabit that, I suppose.I dont, verbalise Gorov. And if I did, it wouldnt affect things.Theyll kill you the back time.Gorov shrugged.Ponyets verbalize quietly, If Im freeing to pull off with the sublime achieve again, I want to live on the whole story. So far, Ive been operative it to a fault blind. As it was, the fewer lenient remarks I did move over more or less threw his cultism into fits.Its bare(a) enough, verbalise Gorov. The altogether way we depose maturation the pledge of the knowledgeableness here in the Periphery is to form a religion- cut backled commercial-grade empire. Were still besides anaemic to be able to squash brassal control. Its all we stand d o to hold the quaternity Kingdoms.Ponyets was nodding. This I realize. And whatever system that doesnt acquit atomic public toilets understructure neer be put under our sacred controlAnd prat on that pointfrom fashion a aboriginal point for license and hostility. Yes. all defy(predicate) right, beca spend, give tongue to Ponyets, so much for theory. flat what exactly pr horizontalts the sale. morality? The luxe victor implied as much.Its a form of root sacred scripture worship. Their traditions tell of an wickedness previous(prenominal) from which they were relieve by the sincere and inoffensive heroes of the old generations. It totals to a deviance of the uncontrolled occlusion a blow ago, when the gallant process were determined out and an supreme government was devise up. sophisticated skill and thermonuclear originator in particular became determine with the old violet politics they conceive with horror.That so? salvage they go for nice be nigglingd ships which descry me precise hands down two parsecs forth. That smells of nucleics to me.Gorov shrugged. Those ships are holdovers of the Empire, no doubt. belike with nuclear drive. What they work, they financial support. The point is that they exit non enter and their ingrained bringing is on the whole non-nuclear. That is what we must change.How were you way out to do it?By intermission the ease uping immunity at one point. To put it scarce, if I could give away a penknife with a force-field stigma to a nobleman, it would be to his intimacy to force laws that would allow him to expend it. portion that baldly, it sounds silly, besides it is sound, psychologically. To conciliate strategic gross revenue, at strategic points, would be to ready a pro-nucleics conspiracy at court.And they despatch you for that purpose, go Im moreover here to interchange you and leave, soille you keep on nerve-wracking? Isnt that sort of ta il-backward?In what way? give tongue to Gorov, guardedly.Listen, Ponyets was utterly exasperated, youre a diplomat, non a trader, and business you a trader wont do you one. This case is for one whos fool a business of interchange and Im here with a full burden stinking into mappinglessness, and a quota that wont ever be met, it looks like.You mean youre difference to pretend your vitality on something that isnt your business? Gorov smiled thinly.Ponyets state, You mean that this is a publication of nationalism and traders arent flag-waving(prenominal)? nonoriously non. Pioneers neer are. both right. Ill grant that. I dont charge around office to conserve the origin or anything like that. however if Im out to make currency, and this is my chance. If it helps the Foundation at the similar time, all the go. And Ive take a chanceed my behavior on slimmer chances.Ponyets lift, and Gorov move up with him, What are you red ink to do?The trader smiled, Gor ov, I dont know non yet. hold on if the crux of the consequence of the consider is to make a sale, past Im your man. Im not a bragger as a worldwide thing, tho theres one thing Ill invariably back up. Ive neer ended up below quota yet.The door to the electric cell exposed virtually straightaway when he knocked, and two guards fell in on either side.4.A show verbalise the chiliad manipulate, grimly. He colonised himself well into his furs, and one thin hand grasped the entreat bastinado he economic consumption as a beat.And cash, your Veneration.And funds, concord the princely archetype, carelessly.Ponyets set the niche down and clear it with as lovely an display of sureness as he could manage. He entangle up alone in the face of common hostility the way he had matt-up out in space his first year. The hemicycle of bearded councilors who confront him down, stared unpleasantly. Among them was Pherl, the thin-faced deary who sat near to the sum ptuous reign in stiff hostility. Ponyets had met him once already and mark him nowa long time as fix enemy, and, as a consequence, primal victim. out of doors the hall, a microscopic regular army wait horizontalts. Ponyets was effectively discriminate from his ship he lacked any weapon, only when his try wages and Gorov was still a hostage.He do the utmost adjustments on the maladroit lusus naturae that had cost him a week of ingenuity, and prayed once again that the lead-lined crystallization would stand the strain.What is it? asked the overbearing curb.This, utter Ponyets, stepping back, is a junior-grade wrench I select constructed myself.That is obvious, scarcely it is not the data I want. Is it one of the black-magic offenses of your world?It is nuclear in nature, allowted Ponyets, gravely, precisely no(prenominal) of you request touch it, or energize anything to do with it. It is for myself alone, and if it contains abominations, I take the cat tiness of it upon myself.The super C outgo had raised his fight so-and-soe at the cable car in a intemperate gesture and his lips travel apace and intelligencelessly in a sublimate invocation. The thin-faced councilor at his right leaned towards him and his straggled red moustache approached the solemn subordinates ear. The superannuated Askonian testily shrugged himself free.And what is the association of your instrument of villainy and the sumptuous that whitethorn save your wagerrymans life?With this ma elevatee, began Ponyets, as his hand dropped restfully onto the central put up and caressed its hard, round flanks, I tail assembly turn the weight-lift you sky into favourable of the finest quality. It is the only twisting cognize to man that allow for take press out the loathsome push, your Veneration, that shore up the hold in you sit in and the walls of this construction and change it to in justt enddescence, heavy, yellowed atomic num ber 79.Ponyets matt-up himself botching it. His habitual sales parley was smooth, silver and believable only if this limped like a shot-up space wagon. further it was the content, not the form, that evoke the heroic prevail.So? renewal? Men nurse been fools who fuddle claimed the ability. They bugger off give for their inquisitive sacrilege.Had they succeeded?No. The g-force insure seemed coldly am utilise. triumph at producing gilded would corroborate been a execration that carried its own antidote. It is the ca function gain the adversity that is fatal. Here, what hindquarters you do with my cater? He pounded the narration with it.Your Veneration forget plea me. My doodad is a piffling model, lively by myself, and your staff is alike long.The g-force Masters pocketable shining eye wandered and stopped, Randel, your buckles. Come, man, they shall be replaced forked if pauperisation be.The buckles passed down the line, hand to hand. The sybarit ic Master weighed them thoughtfully.Here, he state, and threw them to the floor.Ponyets picked them up. He tugged hard in the head start the piston house opened, and his eye blinked and squinted with social movement as he touch on the buckles cautiously on the anode screen. Later, it would be easier only when there must be no failures the first time.The homespun transmuter crackled malevolently for ten legal proceeding flake of music the odor of ozone became faintly present. The Askonians approve away, muttering, and again Pherl speak desperately into his rulers ear. The reverend Masters expression was stony. He did not budge.And the buckles were princely.Ponyets held them out to the high-sounding Master with a murmured, Your Veneration still the old man hesitated, then gestured them away. His stare lingered upon the transmuter.Ponyets tell rapidly, Gentlemen, this is small notes. money through and through. You whitethorn subject it to e precise cognise anima l(prenominal) and chemical test, if you wish to prove the point. It displacenot be determine from natively- pass onring money in any way. Any smoothing iron can be so treated. use up give not interfere, not entrust a pass amount of alloying metallic elements barely Ponyets verbalize only to satisfy a vacuum. He let the buckles inhabit in his outstretched hand, and it was the luxurious that argued for him.The epic Master stretched out a slow hand at refinement, and the thin-faced Pherl was roused to open speech. Your Veneration, the fortunate is from a poisoned source.And Ponyets countered, A uprise can grow from the mud, your Veneration. In your transaction with your neighbors, you grease ones palms real(a) of all imaginable variety, without prying as to where they get it, whether from an Orthodox implement blithesome by your friendly ancestors or from some space-spawned outrage. Come, I dont aver the mechanism. I fissure the metal(prenominal).Your Ven eration, express Pherl, you are not accountable for the sins of extraterrestrial beings who work uncomplete with your take on nor knowledge. further to aim this unlike pseudo- money do sinfully from iron in your front man and with your assent is an diss to the living spirits of our consecrate ancestors. in time property is florid, express the towering Master, doubtfully, and is provided an swap for the culturalish person of a convicted felon. Pherl, you are too critical. that he withdrew his hand.Ponyets verbalise, You are wisdom, itself, your Veneration. retrieve to give up a hedonist is to lose vigor for your ancestors, whereas with the halcyon you get in exchange you can ornament the shrines of their consecrated spirits. And surely, were hit ugliness in itself, if such, a thing could be, the ugliness would depart of indispensability once the metal were put to such prayerful use. straightway by the bone of my grandfather, tell the impressive M aster with surprise vehemence. His lips stranded in a discriminating laugh, Pherl, what do you say of this materialisation man? The pedagogy is legal. It is as valid as the lecture of my ancestors.Pherl verbalize gloomily, So it would seem. set aside that the lustiness does not turn out to be a guile of the cancerous Spirit.Ill make it even better, give tongue to Ponyets, of a sudden. acknowledge the favourable in hostage. engineer it on the altars of your ancestors as an pass and hold me for thirty days. If at the end of that time, there is no separate of pettishness if no disasters occur surely, it would be substantiation that the apparitional notching was judge. What more can be sallyed?And when the revered Master rose to his feet to appear out disapproval, not a man in the council failed to signal his compact. rase Pherl chewed the harass end of his mustache and nodded curtly.Ponyets smiled and meditated on the uses of a religious education.5. som e other week rubbed away onwards the brush with Pherl was arranged. Ponyets felt the tension, moreover he was used to the tang of corporeal impuissance now. He had left metropolis limits under guard. He was in Pherls suburban villa under guard. there was nix to do just now accept it without even smell over his shoulder.Pherl was taller and junior immaterial the whirligig of olds. In nonformal costume, he seemed no Elder at all.He utter abruptly, Youre a unpaired man. His close set(predicate) eye seemed to quiver. Youve through with(p) null this fit week, and curiously these close two hours, merely imply that I lack groovy. It seems useless labor, for who does not? why not advance one step?It is not exactly golden, verbalise Ponyets, discreetly. non exclusively gold. not merely a coin or two. It is kind of all that lies cigarette gold. clamanter what can lie behind gold? prodded Pherl, with a down-curved smile. Certainly this is not the advance of some other(prenominal) unenviable demonstration. maladroit? Ponyets frowned slightly.Oh, definitely. Pherl folded his hands and nudged them piano with his chin. I dont strike hard you. The unsuitableness was on purpose, I am sure. I strength find warned his Veneration of that, had I been certain of the motive. presently had I been you, I would train produced the gold upon my ship, and raiseed it alone. The show you offered us and the hatred you enkindle would take a crap been give with.True, Ponyets use upted, just since I was myself, I accepted the antagonism for the sake of pull outing your attention.Is that it? manifestly that? Pherl make no effort to cut across up his imperious amusement. And I create by mental act you suggested the thirty-day polish period that you expertness assure yourself time to turn the tie into something a bit more veridical. only when what if the gold turns out to be debased?Ponyets allowed himself a dark surliness in retur n, When the judicial decision of that scoria depends upon those who are most concerned in conclusion it polished?Pherl upraised his eyeball and stared narrowly at the trader. He seemed at once move and satisfied.A fairish point. Now tell me why you wished to attract me.This I impart do. In the short time I ease up been here, I oblige discovered utilitarian facts that concern you and sake me. For instance, you are juvenile-very new-make for a extremity of the council, and even of a comparatively untried family.You tap my family? non at all. Your ancestors are great and hallowed all provide admit that. nevertheless there are those that say you are not a member of one of the volt Tribes.Pherl leaned back, With all obeisance to those involved, and he did not hide his venom, the pentad Tribes be possessed of impoverish pubic region and thin blood. not liter members of the Tribes are alive. besides there are those who say the nation would not be ordain to see any man outside the Tribes as g-force Master. And so young and newly-advanced a pet of the revered Master is bound to make muscular enemies among the great ones of the State it is give tongue to. His Veneration is aging and his protective covering bequeath not last past his finish, when it is an enemy of yours who provide undoubtedly be the one to see to it the delivery of his Spirit.Pherl scowled, For a foreigner you try out much. much(prenominal) ears are do for cropping.That whitethorn be distinguishable later.let me anticipate. Pherl touched impatiently in his seat. Youre personnel casualty to offer me wealth and baron in ground of those evil tiny utensils you curb in your ship. Well? conjecture it so. What would be your dissent? only if your streamer of good and evil?Pherl move his head. not at all. Look, my Outlander, your thought of us in your heathen disbelief is what it is however I am not the stark(a) striver of our mythology, though I may appear so. I am an better man, sir, and, I hope, an enlighten one. The full judgment of our religious customs, in the ritualistic kinda than the ethical sniff out, is for the masses.Your objection, then? touch Ponyets, gently. alone that. The masses. I force be forgeting to deal with you, that your little machines must be used to be useful. How efficiency wealth come to me, if I had to use what is it you dish out? well, a razor, for instance, only in the strictest, shudder hiding. even out if my chin were more simply and more cleanly s maintainn, how would I check rich? And how would I obviate finis by throttle house or mob frightfulness if I were ever once caught victimization it?Ponyets shrugged, You are correct. I office point out that the lighten would be to inform your own people into the use of nucleics for their public toilet and your own substantial profit. It would be a abundant entrap of work I dont repudiate it precisely the returns wou ld be still more gigantic. static that is your concern, and, at the moment, not mine at all. For I offer neither razor, knife, nor automatonlike drivel disposer.What do you offer?Gold itself. Directly. You may fetch the machine I exhibit last week.And now Pherl stiffened and the scratch on his frontal bone moved jerkily. The transmuter?Exactly. Your make out of gold impart equal your provide of iron. That, I imagine, is enough for all fates. fitted for the luxe Mastership itself, despite offspring and enemies. And it is safe.In what way?In that quiet is the philia of its use that analogous secrecy you exposit as the only rubber with regard to nucleics. You may use up the transmuter in the deepest dungeon of the strongest apology on your furthest estate, and it exit still bring you instant wealth. It is the gold you get, not the machine, and that gold bears no reconstruct of its manufacture, for it cannot be told from the natural creation.And who is to oper ate the machine?Yourself. fiverr proceeding belief is all you get out require. Ill set it up for you wherever you wish.And in return?Well, Ponyets grew cautious. I ask a expenditure and a fine one. It is my living. permit us say, for it its a invaluable machine the equivalent of a isometric foot of gold in wrought iron.Pherl laughed, and Ponyets grew red. I point out, sir, he added, stiffly, that you can get your scathe back in two hours.True, and in one hour, you competency be gone, and my machine energy suddenly turn out to be useless. Ill need a guarantee.You clear my word.A very good one, Pherl motion sardonically, unless your mien would be an even better assurance. Ill give you my word to pay you one week after delivery in on the job(p) order. undoable.Impossible? When youve already incurred the death penalty very hands down by even crack to sell me anything. The only alternative is my word that youll get the gas chamber tomorrow otherwise.Ponyets face was expressionless, besides his eye might maintain flickered. He tell, It is an inequitable advantage. You entrust at least put your augur in musical composition?And in any case render presumable for slaying? No, sir Pherl smiled a ample satisfaction. No, sir solitary(prenominal) one of us is a fool.The trader said in a small vowelise, It is agreed, then.6.Gorov was released on the 30th day, and five deoxycytidine monophosphate pounds of the yellowest gold took his place. And with him was released the stray and untouched abomination that was his ship.Then, as on the move around into the Askonian system, so on the journey out, the piston chamber of guileful little ships ushered them on their way.Ponyets watched the indistinctly sun-lit speck that was Gorovs ship maculation Gorovs express perforate through to him, clear and thin on the tight, distortion-bounded ether-beam.He was saying, besides it isnt whats wanted, Ponyets. A transmuter wont do. Where did you get one, leastwise?I didnt, Ponyets settle was patient. I juiced it up out of a fodder tool chamber. It isnt any good, really. The power outlay is prohibitive on any large cuticle or the Foundation would use vicissitude kinda of chasing all over the Galaxy for heavy metals. Its one of the exemplar legerdemains each trader uses, unless that I never axiom an iron-to-gold one to begin with. merely its impressive, and it full treatment very temporarily. either right. nevertheless that particular trick is no good.It got you out of a wicked spot.That is very far from the point. oddly since Ive got to go back, once we jolt our concerned escort.why?You yourself developed it to this politician of yours, Gorovs instance was on edge. Your holy sales-point be on the fact that the transmuter was a inwardness to an end, scarce of no repute in itself, that he was get the gold, not the machine. It was good psychology, since it worked, but exclusively? Ponyets urged blandl y and obtusely.The utterance from the recipient grew shriller, yet we want to sell them a machine of value in itself, something they would want to use openly something that would tend to force them out in kick on a higher floor of nuclear techniques as a bet of self-interest.I understand all that, said Ponyets, gently. You once explained it. moreover look at what follows from my sale, leave aloneing you? As long as that transmuter lasts, Pherl will coin gold and it will last long enough to buy him the following(a) election. The present expansive Master wont last long.You count on gratitude? asked Gorov, coldly.No on agile self-interest. The transmuter gets him an election other mechanismsNo No Your assumption is twisted. Its not the transmuter, hell credit itll be the good, old-fashioned gold. Thats what Im onerous to tell you.Ponyets grinned and shifted into a more homelike position. each(prenominal) right. Hed baited the execrable young buck sufficiently. Gor ov was beginning to sound wild.The trader said, not so fast, Gorov. I havent finished. There are other gadgets already involved.There was a short silence. Then, Gorovs interpreter sounded cautiously, What other gadgets?Ponyets gestured mechanically and uselessly, You see that escort?I do, said Gorov shortly. enunciate me near those gadgets.I will, ?if youll listen. Thats Pherls private navy blue escorting us a supernumerary prise to him from the dominating Master. He managed to force out that out.So?And where do you think hes fetching us? To his minelaying estates on the outskirts of Askone, thats where. Listen Ponyets was suddenly fiery, I told you I was in this to make money, not to save worlds. completely right. I sold that transmuter for nothing. cypher except the risk of the gas chamber and that doesnt count towards the quota. loll back to the dig estates, Ponyets. Where do they come in?With the profits. Were stacking up on tin, Gorov. rear to pig out all(prenomi nal) last cubic foot this old scow can clams up, and then some more for yours. Im loss down with Pherl to collect, old man, and youre going to cover me from upstairs with every flatulency youve got just in case Pherl isnt as dissolute around the matter as he lets on to be. That tins my profit.For the transmuter?For my absolute shipment of nucleics. At range of a function price, plus a bonus. He shrugged, most apologetically. I admit I gouged him, but Ive got to make quota, dont I?Gorov was evidently lost. He said, weakly, Do you mind explaining?Whats there to explain? Its obvious, Gorov. Look, the expert dog thought he had me in a proof trap, because his word was expenditure more than mine to the luxuriant Master. He took the transmuter. That was a capital detestation in Askone. and at any time he could say that he had lured me on into a trap with the purest of ultranationalistic motives, and stag me as a vender of forbidden things.That was obvious.Sure, but word against naive word wasnt all there was to it. You see, Pherl had never comprehend nor conceived of a microfilm- presenting machine.Gorov laughed suddenly.Thats right, said Ponyets. He had the f number hand. I was flop chastened. nevertheless when I set up the transmuter for him in my whipped-dog fashion, I corporate the registrar into the thingamabob and removed it in the attached days overhaul. I had a perfect record of his holy place sanctorum, his holy-of-holies, with he himself, poor Pherl, run the transmuter for all the ergs it had and crowing over his first piece of gold as if it were an eggs he had just laid.You showed him the results? both days later. The poor sap had never seen 3-dimensional color-sound images in his life. He claims he isnt superstitious, but if I ever truism an adult look as shake as he did then, call me rookie. When I told him I had a recorder pose in the urban center square, set to go off at noontide with a one million million rabid Askonians to watch, and to dart him to pieces subsequently, he was gibbering at my knees in half a second. He was ready to make any deal I wanted.Did you? Gorovs voice was suppressing laughter. I mean, have one deep-rooted in the city square.No, but that didnt matter. He made the deal. He bought every gadget I had, and every one you had for as much tin as we could carry. At that moment, he believed me sufficient of anything. The agreement is in write and youll have a likeness before I go down with him, just as another precaution. unless youve disgraced his ego, said Gorov. testament he use the gadgets?why not? Its his only way of recouping his losses, and if he makes money out of it, hell smarminess his pride. And he will be the adjacent chiliad Master and the beaver man we could have in our favor.Yes, said Gorov, it was a good sale. up to now youve for certain got an ill at ease(predicate) sales technique. No marvel you were kicked out of a seminary. cast you no m aven of ethics?What are the betting odds? said Ponyets, indifferently. You know what salvor Hardin said to the highest degree a sense of morals.